Welcome to First Presbyterian Church of Vicksburg

We’re so excited that you are considering FPC as your new church home.

Our Mission

Our mission statement is, “To Know Christ and Make Him Know, We value the Lordship of Jesus Christ, Biblical teaching and preaching, prayer, fellowship, worship and relationships. Please take a few moment to review the information on this website. You will find that our ministries are varied and exciting. God has a plan for you, and we have a community for you. You are welcome here!.



Session met for its stated meeting on June 18, 2024, at 5:15pm in the office conference room.

Operations: May 2024 finances were received and approved.

Endowment: End of May Endowment Fund $589,887.34.

Adult Discipleship: Unified Sunday school for Adults and Youth will be soon be concluding The Holiness of God and will soon begin Chosen by God by RC Sproul.

Youth Discipleship: A summer rafting trip is being considered. SOS forms have been emailed to parents. Plans are underway to paint the youth room this summer.

Communication & Evangelism: Will begin work on new church directory. Mission & Outreach: Witness Season offering will be split between Food Pantry and EPC World Outreach Critical Need fund.

New Business: Motion approved to transfer Evana Bock’s membership to First Presbyterian Church, Jackson MS.


No matter who you are, where you are from, where you are in your personal faith journey or past church experience, you are welcome and wanted at First Presbyterian Church.

God is good, all the time!

Pastor Tim

Church Directory


If you have not signed up, please do so with this link. Click Here to sign up! 

Don’t forget to add your family picture.

FPC Youth


The Youth have a white-water rafting retreat scheduled for July 26-28 on the Ocoee River, just east of Chattanooga, TN. If you have not signed up but would like to, please contact Will Montgomery as soon as possible. We also hope to put together a few more fellowship opportunities as the Summer progresses. Stay tuned for more details as they materialize.

Youth Sunday School: This Summer our Youth are encouraged to meet in Ward Hall at 9:00 a.m. for a time of congregational fellowship followed by Sunday School in the Chapel. We are currently enjoying two video series by Dr. R.C. Sproul, “The Holiness of God” and “Chosen by God.” If you have missed some of the videos and would like to catch up, they are available on YouTube

Congratulations to the confirmation class! Your church family is so proud of you. 🌟

Children's Ministry News


Sunday School

The children are learning about the Holy Spirit and the beginning of the Church as they continue to study the New Testament using The Gospel Project Curriculum.

-Pre-K(3) through 1st grade meet in the Rainbow Room (113) with Laurie Malik, Randy Sherard, Phyllis Gebhart, & Gareth Lampkin.

-2nd – 6th Graders meet upstairs in the Joyful Noise Room (204) with Betty Kamman & Dennis Coulter

Preschool and Kindergarten

PRESCHOOL AND KINDERGARTEN It is my pleasure to serve as Elder overseeing the operation of our Preschool and Kindergarten Ministry sponsored by our church. It has been in the very capable hands of Jennifer Coulter for the past twenty-four years. The school has been in operation for over fifty-seven years in our church.

I asked Jennifer to share with me what it has meant to her over the past twenty-four years. As follows, this is what she told me: “This program has been touching our church and the community and making an impact on children and adults since August of 1967. The need for quality, affordable childcare in our area has never been more vital. It is becoming harder and harder for our young, working parents to find and afford a suitable childcare center. With God’s love and continued blessing, we are able to offer a program that is not only based in God’s word, but provides a safe loving environment for children to learn and thrive. As Christians providing for God’s children, it is our duty to provide His children with the needed resources and confidence to grow into loving Christian adults. A child that hears God’s word will carry that truth with them their entire life. A child is not a vessel to be filled, but a lamp to be lit. Please support this community outreach mission by praying for us daily, attending our programs and telling others we are here to serve. Help us light a child’s lamp and set them on the path to lifelong success.”

School is out for summer vacation. According to Jennifer, next year’s enrollment has already been filled. As church members, let’s give Jennifer, the 10 staff members and approximately 68 young students our support for the coming year by praying for them and supporting their programs throughout the year.

In His Service, Fred Peyton

Continuing Prayer Ministry

OUR CONTINUING PRAYER MINISTRY for April lifts up the names of these within our congregational family, giving thanks to God and asking for His blessings to fill their lives:

July 7— Cindy Martin-Nez; Wynette McBeath; and Eric, Becky, Jeremy, and Melanie McCaskill

July 14—Dale and Cindy McClung; Sally, Maggie, Lily and Charles McLean; and Johnny and Suzanne Means

July 21—Beverly Mihalyka; Don and Deanna Miller; and Deborah Mitchell

July 28—Jerry, Speler, Sara, John Ellis, Gage, and Mary Ruth Montgomery; Will, Laura, William, and Lucy Montgomery; and Jason, Emily, Turner and Eloise Mooney