“And Jesus increased in wisdom and in stature and in favor with God and man.” LUKE 2:52
At First Presbyterian Church we believe that the spiritual formation and Christian education of our children are the two most important things. We offer opportunities for both formation and education through a variety of experiences and programs including:
Children’s Worship
Children who are 4 years old by Sept. 1, through those in First grade, are invited to leave the sanctuary after the Children’s message and go to a sanctuary of their own, the Children’s Worship Center on the second floor. In the Center they sing God’s songs and hear God’s stories each Sunday. Children’s Worship is intended to be formational, giving the children time and space to experience worship and prayer in a way they can easily understand. When Children’s Worship is over, they go downstairs to the room across from the nursery to await their parents.
Sunday School
Sunday school is offered for children from 3 years old through 6th grade at 9:30 every Sunday morning. We use Orange 252 curriculum based on Luke 2:52. 252 Basics is based on 3 basic and powerful truths: I need to make the wise choice. I can trust God no matter what. I should treat others the way I want to be treated. Each week children are encouraged and invited to grow in a relationship with Jesus. Sunday school is a time of purposeful Christian education. Younger children’s classes are across from the nursery. 2nd-4th graders are upstairs in the Joyful Noise room. 5th and 6th graders enjoy a special Bible Survey experience with Mrs. Carmen Jabour. They are the ones on the second floor enjoying hot chocolate, couches, and excellent conversation!
A nursery is always available for our youngest attenders during our Sunday worship service, Sunday school, Wednesday evening activities and other church-wide events and activities. Pagers are available for parents with infants. In our nursery children have their first experience of being part of a church family. We strive to make their experience a safe and happy one. The nursery supervisor is Stacey Teller.
Wonderful Wednesdays
During the school year, children in K-6th grade are adding to their Bible knowledge through the series “What’s in the Bible?” This DVD series created by the maker of Veggie Tales takes the children from Genesis to Revelation, through puppets, animation, music, and more. After dinner together at 5:00, we are usually on the playground and then continue our time together in The Joyful Noise Room from 5:45 – 6:30.
Choir Interns
Choir interns is a musical offering for 3rd-6th graders and meets from 4:30-5:15 p.m. on Wednesdays in the choir room. Children who participate in Choir Interns develop their music skills and participate in worship services through singing, playing rhythm instruments, handbells, and belleplates. Barbara Tracy is the Choir Interns coordinator.
Every year a Confirmation class is offered to all 6th graders. Confirmation is an important time in the life of our congregation, for through Confirmation we begin the process of officially welcoming our children into the active membership of the church.
Vacation Bible School
Every summer, we hold a week-long very-exciting Bible School. Bible School is open to children from Kindergarten through 5th grades and is filled with fun and adventure for everyone.
KFC-Kids for Christ
Children's Ministry News
Sunday School
Sunday School: The children are learning about the Holy Spirit and the beginning of the Church as they continue to study the New Testament using The Gospel Project Curriculum.
-Pre-K(3) through 1st grade meet in the Rainbow Room (113) with Laurie Malik, Randy Sherard, Phyllis Gebhart, & Gareth Lampkin.
-2 nd – 6 th Graders meet upstairs in the Joyful Noise Room (204) with Betty Kamman & Dennis Coulter