Each year we receive a special Witness Season Offering that is used to support local mission projects as well as outreach around the world. Some of our mission projects have included: a mission trip to Honduras to help with the construction of their clinic and to lead a bible school, the Esmirna Presbyterian Church, Samahil, Mexico, Brazilian Cistern Project for clean drinking water, Warren County Habitat for Humanity, Storehouse Community Food Pantry, River City Rescue Mission, Midd-West, Salvation Army to assist with flood relief and other community needs, Jacob’s Ladder to help with the needs of the school for special needs children, Keystone Ministries, and Rivers of the World (ROW) a not-for-profit Christian ministry that targets remote river basins. Their goal is to serve with people who live in these river basins and those they serve determine their projects. The people are asked what makes up their greatest challenges and ROW covenants with them to meet and overcome those challenges together. We annually support international missionaries through the EPC World Outreach.
Twice each month members of our church family cook and deliver meals to people in Warren County. The meals are scheduled on the first Friday and fourth Tuesday of each month.
Several of our Sunday School classes have adopted special projects and offer support through their class gifts. Among these are the Good Shepherd Community Center, Cary Christian Center, Vicksburg Family Services, French Camp, Palmer Home for Children, Keystone Ministries and the Natchez Children’s Home. The Presbyterian Women also support a variety of special mission projects, as do the youth groups. Save & Exit
Community Food Pantry Jacob’s Ladder School for Special Needs
Salvation Army Cook Teams Red Cross
Local Children’s Shelter Homeless Rescue Mission
For more information on ministries supported by FPC go to the following links:
row.org – Rivers of the World is primarily a medical mission founded by Dr. Ben Mathes.
www.epcwo.org – The EPC World Outreach coordinates evangelistic mission worldwide for the denomination.